Institutional Arrangement
Is a Federal Government entity and represents the sectorial authority, responsible for promoting adequate transport and communications networks to contribute to services accessibility, and cope with globalization trends.
Its objective is to guarantee modern and adequate transportation infrastructure to contribute to the sustainable growth of the country by providing competitive and quality services.
Formerly known as the General Directorate of Rail and Multimodal Transport, it is the unit of the Undersecretariat of Infrastructure in charge of the planning and formulation of policies and programs, the regulation of the railway system, as well as the granting of concessions and permits in the matter, the verification of its compliance and determination on modifications and terminations.
Promotes a safe, efficient and competitive railway system, through the regulation, surveillance and verification of the construction, operation, exploitation, conservation and maintenance of the railway infrastructure, the public railway transport service and its auxiliary services.
One state owned entity has one railway concession with a length of 1,550 km. The term of the concession can be extended.
Seven concessions with a total length of approximately 16,000 km. The term of the concession can be extended.
Implement a logistics platform that integrates the provision of port administration services carried out by the competent entities in the Ports of Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave and Salina Cruz, Oaxaca and their interconnection by rail transport, as well as any other action that allows contribute to the development of the region of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, with a comprehensive, sustainable, sustainable and inclusive vision, promoting economic, productive and cultural growth.
Investment Cycle
SCT establishes medium and long term sectorial programs for airport infrastructure development, based on the objectives and strategies defined by the National Development Plan and the National Infrastructure Program. The principal objectives are to: a) develop bypasses and relocate railway tracks; b) build shoulders; c) carry on works for logistics nodes; d) rehabilitate and maintain railways and bridges; and, e) implement a comprehensive program of railway safety.
SCT identifies railway projects to be developed, in accordance with planning documents. Unsolicited proposals of PPP projects must be aligned to national and sectorial plans.
The General Direction of Railway and Multimodal Transport prepares, by itself or by means of third parties, the necessary pre-investment studies and analysis, required for the development of railway and multimodal projects.
For those projects that require federal funds, SCT presents a registration application to the Investment Unit of the Ministry of Finance (whether funded with fiscal budget or by the National Infrastructure Fund or FONADIN).
The CIGFD will evaluate the projects that require the allocation of federal funds, and will decide its inclusion in the draft of the annual expenditure budget. Additionally, this commission will determine the prioritization of the projects based on a) socioeconomic profitability; b) its impact in extreme poverty reduction; c) regional development, and d) concurrence with other programs and investment projects.
- Projects that require federal funds are authorized by by the House of Representatives.
- Projects with funding from FONADIN are authorized by the Fund.
- The IU will issue an opinion of economic viability for those projects that do not require public resources.
The Railway and Multimodal Transportation General Direction is responsible for the promotion of the projects
The bidding process is responsibility of the Railway and Multimodal Transportation General Direction, and the process must be registered in CompraNet.
Different sources of funds are available for the projects, depending on their particular characteristics and their financial structure, including federal funds or PEF, and funds form the FONADIN, BANOBRAS, commercial banks, institutional and private developers, and from institutional investors.
Execution and Operation
Carried out by the awarded operators or developers, under the surveillance of the SCT, according to contract terms.