Pemex, in a consortium with Chevron and Inpex, presented the winning proposal for Contract Area 3 of Round 1.4, within the framework of the Energy Reform, on December 5.
This consortium won the contract through a competitive, open and under the strictest standards of transparency process.
The signing of this agreement is yet another step in the process of opening up the oil sector to the benefit of the country and is an example of the existing confidence in our Mexican oil industry: Pedro Joaquín Coldwell.
The consortium formed by Pemex, Chevron and Inpex, contemplates a Total Expected Investment of 2 billion dollars.
Today, on behalf of the Mexican State, the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) signed the first contract obtained by the Productive Company of the State Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), through its subsidiary Pemex Exploration and Production, in joint participation with Inpex Corporation and Chevron Energía de México S. de RL de C.V. companies, in an open competition process, derived from the Energy Reform.
For the first time in its history Pemex won, in consortium with Chevron and Inpex, a contract in deep waters. This is Block 3 North of the Fourth Bidding Round 1, called Cinturón Plegado Perdido (Perdido Fold Belt) in the Gulf of Mexico. This block covers an area of 1,687 square kilometers and is located in a water link between 500 and 1,800 meters.
It should be remembered that the consortium formed by Pemex, Chevron and Inpex, was the winning proposal by offering an additional royalty to the State of 7.0%.
The signing of the contract represents a historic event for being the first block awarded to Pemex in partnership during a competitive process following the Energy Reform approved in 2013. 13:04:122019-08-28 09:03:48PEMEX ALONG WITH CHEVRON AND INPEX CONCLUDES DEEP WATERS CONTRACT IN THE GULF OF MEXICO
Given the international volatility environment, Petróleos Mexicanos strengthens its presence in the European market with the largest issue in the history of emerging markets
Pemex has established itself as a recurring issuer in the European bond market, reflecting investor confidence in the company and in Mexico.
Pemex continues to diversify its funding sources in line with the strategy of its 2017 Annual Financing Program.
As part of its 2017 Annual Financing Program and its strategy to diversify funding sources, Petróleos Mexicanos placed 4,450 million euros in three international reference bonds at 4.5, 7 and 11 years in the international capital markets:
1,750 million euros maturing in August 2021, a rate of return of 2.51% and a coupon of 2.50%;
1,250 million euros with maturity in February 2024, a rate of return of 3.84% and a coupon of 3.75%;
1,250 million euros with maturity in February 2028, a rate of return of 4.98% and a coupon of 4.875%.
The operation recorded a demand of approximately 18 billion euros, equivalent to 4.2 times the amount allocated, with the participation of pension funds, portfolio managers and financial institutions in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, among others. The placement agents were BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Deutsche Bank and HSBC. 13:05:592019-08-28 09:33:15PEMEX PLACES THE BIGGEST EURO BOND IN THE HISTORY OF EMERGING MARKETS
These are the Saltillo-Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo, Matehuala-Saltillo, Pyramids-Tulancingo-Pachuca and Texcoco-Zacatepec sections.
It guarantees the conservation of the highway infrastructure to 10 years.
They are added to two that competed in late 2016: Queretaro-San Luis Potosi and Coatzacoalcos-Villahermosa.
During this year, the Secretariat for Communications and Transport (SCT) will launch four road packages under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model, Saltillo-Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo, Matehuala-Saltillo, Pirámides-Tulancingo-Pachuca And Texcoco-Zacatepec.
The PPP program guarantees the preservation of these sections for 10 years and will speed up the communication of the regions with benefits in the production, distribution, supply and commercial profitability.
These projects are in addition to the ones that competed in late 2016, Queretaro-San Luis Potosi and Coatzacoalcos-Villahermosa. 13:11:282019-11-14 11:36:39SCT WILL LAUNCH FOUR ROAD PROJECTS WITH PPP MODEL
La dinámica del crédito no se verá afectada por el posible aumento de la volatilidad como consecuencia de los resultados de las elecciones en Estados Unidos, consideró Luis Robles Miaja, presidente de la Asociación de Bancos de México (ABM). El titular de la ABM aseguró que México está listo para enfrentar la volatilidad que pudiera generarse ante el eventual triunfo del candidato republicano Donald Trump, pues el país cuenta con solidez macroeconómica. `Existen mecanismos de contingencia para soportar la volatilidad, que además es un fenómeno transitorio, el país tiene fundamentales suficientes para soportar y todas las herramientas para que el Banco de México, la Comisión de Cambios y la Secretaría de Hacienda puedan evitar que la volatilidad tenga un efecto adverso en México`, precisó
/by 16:18:342017-03-22 10:35:27Fluirá crédito bancario EN
Moody’s de México asignó calificaciones de (escala nacional) y de A3 (escala global) a la emisión de certificados bursátiles próxima a realizarse por la Ciudad de México, por un monto de 4.500 millones de pesos. El gobierno federal, a través de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público, aprueba las obligaciones planeadas por la Ciudad de México. La SHCP contrata la deuda directamente y la Ciudad de México asume la obligación contractual de pagar el servicio de la deuda a nombre del gobierno federal.
/by 16:15:322017-03-22 10:35:27Calificaciones sobre calidad crediticia de estados y municipios EN
Today, on behalf of the Mexican State, the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) signed the first contract obtained by the Productive Company of the State Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), through its subsidiary Pemex Exploration and Production, in joint participation with Inpex Corporation and Chevron Energía de México S. de RL de C.V. companies, in an open competition process, derived from the Energy Reform.
For the first time in its history Pemex won, in consortium with Chevron and Inpex, a contract in deep waters. This is Block 3 North of the Fourth Bidding Round 1, called Cinturón Plegado Perdido (Perdido Fold Belt) in the Gulf of Mexico. This block covers an area of 1,687 square kilometers and is located in a water link between 500 and 1,800 meters.
It should be remembered that the consortium formed by Pemex, Chevron and Inpex, was the winning proposal by offering an additional royalty to the State of 7.0%.
The signing of the contract represents a historic event for being the first block awarded to Pemex in partnership during a competitive process following the Energy Reform approved in 2013.
Source: Secretaría de Energía / CNH
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As part of its 2017 Annual Financing Program and its strategy to diversify funding sources, Petróleos Mexicanos placed 4,450 million euros in three international reference bonds at 4.5, 7 and 11 years in the international capital markets:
The operation recorded a demand of approximately 18 billion euros, equivalent to 4.2 times the amount allocated, with the participation of pension funds, portfolio managers and financial institutions in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, among others. The placement agents were BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Deutsche Bank and HSBC.
Source: PEMEX
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These are the Saltillo-Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo, Matehuala-Saltillo, Pyramids-Tulancingo-Pachuca and Texcoco-Zacatepec sections.
It guarantees the conservation of the highway infrastructure to 10 years.
They are added to two that competed in late 2016: Queretaro-San Luis Potosi and Coatzacoalcos-Villahermosa.
During this year, the Secretariat for Communications and Transport (SCT) will launch four road packages under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model, Saltillo-Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo, Matehuala-Saltillo, Pirámides-Tulancingo-Pachuca And Texcoco-Zacatepec.
The PPP program guarantees the preservation of these sections for 10 years and will speed up the communication of the regions with benefits in the production, distribution, supply and commercial profitability.
These projects are in addition to the ones that competed in late 2016, Queretaro-San Luis Potosi and Coatzacoalcos-Villahermosa.
Source: SCT
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Fluirá crédito bancario EN
La dinámica del crédito no se verá afectada por el posible aumento de la volatilidad como consecuencia de los resultados de las elecciones en Estados Unidos, consideró Luis Robles Miaja, presidente de la Asociación de Bancos de México (ABM). El titular de la ABM aseguró que México está listo para enfrentar la volatilidad que pudiera generarse ante el eventual triunfo del candidato republicano Donald Trump, pues el país cuenta con solidez macroeconómica. `Existen mecanismos de contingencia para soportar la volatilidad, que además es un fenómeno transitorio, el país tiene fundamentales suficientes para soportar y todas las herramientas para que el Banco de México, la Comisión de Cambios y la Secretaría de Hacienda puedan evitar que la volatilidad tenga un efecto adverso en México`, precisó
Calificaciones sobre calidad crediticia de estados y municipios EN
Moody’s de México asignó calificaciones de (escala nacional) y de A3 (escala global) a la emisión de certificados bursátiles próxima a realizarse por la Ciudad de México, por un monto de 4.500 millones de pesos. El gobierno federal, a través de la Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público, aprueba las obligaciones planeadas por la Ciudad de México. La SHCP contrata la deuda directamente y la Ciudad de México asume la obligación contractual de pagar el servicio de la deuda a nombre del gobierno federal.