Institutional Arrangement
Federal Government entity and sectorial authority responsible for disease prevention and health promotion. This Ministry establishes public policies regarding health, in order to achieve an equal, sustainable, effective and quality National System of Universal Health.
Unit of SALUD that proposes the national policy to increase the quality of health services and social assistance. Likewise, it establishes the coordination between health and educational sectors to train and update health services providers, according to the population’s current and future health needs.
State agencies that implement health policies in each federal entity according to population needs. Additionally, these agencies carry out, in coordination with other entities, health campaigns, and manage health centers under state control.
Deconcentrated entity that generates and releases information, recommendations and technical assistance to satisfy management needs and assessment of health technologies, in order to facilitate an affective access to health services.
Deconcentrated entity that monitors and enforces the necessary measures to guarantee an effective access to health services, by ensuring the affiliation of the target population that voluntarily requests its registration.
Tripartite (state, employers and employees) independent entity whose main objective is to provide health services to Mexican workers and their families, as well as social security against diseases, disability, old-age or death.
Independent agency in charge of achieving comprehensive state employees’ welfare, retired people and entitled relatives, as well as providing insurances, benefits and services.
Various Secretaries of State and agencies of the federal and state governments have their health centers to attend to their workers and beneficiaries.
Investment Cycle

SALUD, in coordination with IMSS and ISSSTE, establishes the strategies of the National Health Program, necessary to reach the objectives of the National Development Plan in health matters.
SALUD, IMSS, and ISSSTE, identify the issues to be solved for the modernization and development of health infrastructure. Furthermore, these entities receive unsolicited Proposals to verify their feasibility and, in case of being approved, launch a bidding process.
IMSS and ISSSTE have specialized areas for the development of PPP projects. These entities, as well as SALUD, are assisted by specialized third parties for their analysis.
The entities are required to register their projects in the Investment Unit Portfolio of the Ministry of Finance.
Projects requiring federal budget resources should be analyzed by the CIGFD, who determines the status for the inclusion in the PEF. The CIGFD prioritized such projects based on: a) socioeconomic profitability; b) extreme poverty reduction; c) regional development, and d) concurrence with other programs and investment projects.
- Projects that require federal funds are authorized by the House of Representatives.
- The IU will issue an opinion of economic viability for those projects that do not require public resources
SALUD, IMSS and ISSSTE are responsible for the promotion of their projects.
The bidding process is responsibility of each entity, and the process must be registered in CompraNet.
Different sources of funds are available for the projects, depending on their particular characteristics and their financial structure, including federal funds or PEF, and funds from development banks, commercial banks, institutional and private developers, and from institutional investors.
Execution and Operation
Carried out by awarded operators and/or developers, under the surveillance of SALUD, IMSS or ISSSTE according to contract terms.