Institutional Arrangement
Federal government entity and sectorial authority responsible for establishing the necessary criteria and instruments to guarantee the protection, preservation, and use of natural resources, by developing an environmental policy that ensures sustainable growth.
Unit in charge of incorporating environmental considerations in policies, programs, objectives, strategies and government planning instruments that are part of the National Development Plan and of sectorial, regional and special programs.
Unit in charge of promoting the best environmental performance of all productive sectors This area gathers plans, programs and budget drafts that fall in its jurisdiction.
Unit that designs, adapts, and discloses regulatory and promotional environmental instruments that encourage the sustainable development of urban growth, transport, services and tourism. In addition, this area provides solutions to negative impacts generated by these activities.
Deconcentrated entity that enforces environmental regulation to contribute to sustainable development.
The states and municipalities comply with the standards issued by SEMARNAT to ensure a favorable framework for the environmental development in their communities.
PRORESOL is a Federal Government program that assists local governments in the structuring and financing of solid waste management PPP projects. This Program is operated by FONADIN
Investment Cycle

SEMARNAT establishes short, medium and long term sectorial programs for the development of environmental infrastructure, based on the objectives and strategies defined in the National Development Plan and the National Infrastructure Program. The principal objectives of the Environment and Natural Resources Sectorial Program (PROMARNAT) are to: a) promote and facilitate sustained and sustainable growth of low carbon with a fairness an social approach; b) increase resilience to climate change effects, and decrease compound emissions and greenhouse gases; c) stop and reverse the loss of natural capital, as well as water, air and soil pollution.
The Urban and Touristic Environmental Promotion General Direction, and the Material Resources, Properties, and Services General Direction identify required infrastructure projects, based on the planning documents. At a sub-national level, the municipalities identify necessary projects, according to specific demands of their communities.
The Urban and Touristic Environmental Promotion General Direction prepares, by itself or by means of third parties, the necessary pre-investment studies and analysis, required for the development of environment projects, especially those related to solid wastes. FONADIN / PRORESOL assists in the structuring of certain municipal projects.
For those projects that require federal funds, SEMARNAT presents a registration application to the Investment Unit of the Ministry of Finance (whether funded with fiscal budget or by the National Infrastructure Fund or FONADIN).
The CIGFD will evaluate the projects that require the allocation of federal funds, and will decide its inclusion in the draft of the annual expenditure budget. Additionally, this commission will determine the prioritization of the projects based on: a) socioeconomic profitability; b) its impact in extreme poverty reduction; c) regional development, and d) concurrence with other programs and investment projects.
- Projects that require federal funds are authorized by the House of Representatives.
- Projects with funding from FONADIN / PRORESOL are authorized by the Fund.
- The IU will issue an opinion of economic viability for those projects that do not require public resources.
SEMARNAT and the municipalities are responsible for the promotion of the projects.
The bidding process is responsibility of SEMARNAT or the municipalities, and it must be registered in CompraNet.
Different sources of funds are available for the projects, depending on their particular characteristics and their financial structure, including federal funds or PEF, and funds form FONADIN, BANOBRAS, commercial banks, institutional and private developers, and from institutional investors.
Execution and Operation
Carried out by the awarded operators and/or developers, under the surveillance of SEMARNAT or sub-national entities, according to contract terms, and following the applicable environmental guidelines.