Basic Aspects

Public Private Partnerships Basic Guides

Public Private Partnerships Basic Guide


(Document in Spanish)

Document elaborated by BANOBRAS. This basic guide explains PPP structure, main differences between PPP and traditional public works, advantages and disadvantages and types of PPP.

Infrastructure Financing Vehicles


(Document in Spanish)

Document elaborated by BANOBRAS. This basic guide is intended to provide an overview of infrastructure financing vehicles for the different project stages.

Creating a framework for Public-Private Partnership (PPP) programs. A practical guide for decision-makers

World Bank PPIAF

This paper describes key elements of the PPP framework and what the government can do to improve them.

Public-Private Partnerships. Reference Guide


This guide presents a diversity of approaches and experiences in the implementation of PPP. It provides an overview of PPP, for interested government officials and other stakeholders who want to learn more about how PPP can be used to provide infrastructure assets and services.

A Guidebook on Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

This guidebook describes the overall process and activities usually involved in PPP project development, implementation and management.

Promotion Strategy for Public Private Partnership in Mexico (PPP)

Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público

(Document in Spanish)

Strategy that seeks attractive infrastructure projects, with high economic impact.