The Bidding Terms and Model Contract for Round Three First Call are published

• Round 3.1 includes 35 exploration and extraction areas in shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico, to be developed through Shared Production Contracts.
• The technical and financial elements of the Contracts will allow the operating companies to develop the projects efficiently and guarantee the gathering of the oil revenue by the State.

Source: SENER
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In order to accelerate the development of Transmission projects, the Electric Industry Law envisages that the State, through SENER (Ministry of Energy), may execute agreements with the private sector for the implementation of such projects.

Based on the above, SENER has designed the New Contracting Model for Electric Transmission Lines which will enable to:

1.- Carry out, through SENER, tenders for the assignment of contracts to the private sector, which in turn, will finance, develop and operate Transmission Lines projects derived from PRODESEN;
2.- Finance these projects with funds of the Wholesale Electricity Market, without the need of budgetary resources;
3.- Increase the participation of clean energies in the generation grid;
4.- Generate competition in the electric power transmission segment.

Source: SENER
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The National Energy Control Center (CENACE) closed last Thursday, August 31st, the period to receive payments for Prequalification Applications and for Sale Offers of the third Long-Term Auction. CENACE received payments for 734 Sale Offers from 80 bidders. This number is 14% higher those payments received for the second auction, highlighting the interest that this mechanism has generated. In addition, 80 prequalification applications were registered for this auction.

Source: SENER

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Smart Electrical Networks Program

The National Energy Control Center (CENACE) confirmed the establishment of 10 projects as part of the development of the Smart Electrical Networks Program.

These projects  will require investments during 8 years, estimated at 11.646 billion pesos.

Source: SENER

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The First Medium-Term Electric Auction is Announced

  • It will offer electric energy and power generated through all available technologies.
  • The ruling and announcement of the Auction winners will be announced in February 2018.

The Secretary of Energy (SENER) explained that the objective of this Medium Term Auction is to allow buyers and sellers the execution of electricity coverage agreements for a maximum period of three years, thus giving certainty and reducing exposure to price volatility of the short-term market.

Source: SENER

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The call for bids for the 4th Round was presented, which includes 30 contractual areas

  • Tender 2.4 could attract total investments of USD 31.5 billion
  • They comprise a total area of 70 thousand 844 km2
  • The bidding process for this tender is scheduled for January 31st, 2018

Source: SENER

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TELECOMM publishes the general guidelines regarding the Trunk Network Project

  • The publication of the general guidelines marks the beginning of the second stage to obtain additional feedback from stakeholders in this important project.
  • The comments received will be fundamental to conform, complement and specify the terms of the pre-bases for a possible international bid.
  • With this step, the Mexican Government continues complying the mandate of the Telecommunications reform.

Source: SCT

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Results of the Second and Third Call for Bids Round Two, for the Exploration and Extraction of Hydrocarbons

  • 21 contracts for the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons in land areas were awarded to 10 companies grouped in 6 bidders.
  • The awarded contracts have an associated investment of approximately $ 2.064 US billion over the next 30 years.
  • The State will receive, on average, 75% of the profits generated in the contracts awarded. It will also receive a total of $ 88 million in cash value per tie-break.
  • The prospective resources associated with the contracts awarded are 435 million barrels of crude oil equivalent.
  • As a result of the above, there will be 6 new operators in the Mexican oil sector.

Source: SENER

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The CNH announces the final bidders list for the Second and Third Bidding of Round Two

Within the framework of the 30th Special Session 2017, the Governing Body of the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) approved the modification to the structure of prequalified bidders of the Second and Third Biddings of Round Two.

In the case of the Second Bidding, Round Two, the final list includes nine bidders, four of which will participate individually and five in a consortium. In  total, 11 companies from five participating countries.

Source: CNH

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Results of the First Call for Bids, Round Two

Ten contracts were awarded for the exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons in shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico to 12 companies grouped in 10 bidders.

The assigned contracts have an associated investment of approximately 8.2 billion dollars over the next 30-40 years.

The State will receive, on average, between 77.4% and 83.9% of the profits generated in the contracts awarded, as well as a cash payment of US $ 30 million resulting from a tie in the contractual area 9.


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